10 / Junio, ekainean, June / 2004
19:00 ARTELEKU Donostia
Presentación del libro / Liburuaren aurkezpena / Book presentation
Trabajo de no nodos / Adabegiak lanean / nodes at work
Edita / Argitaratzailea / Edited by
Fundación Rodriguez
Arteleku - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
Nodos / Adabegiak / Nodes
Marina Grznic / oliver Ressler / Hito Steyerl / Marcus Neustetter / Jose Carlos
Mariategui / Fundación Rodriguez
140 x 200 mm. x 264 pags.
"...With regard to the different stages making up
the TESTER system, this publication is appearing at a
strategic moment in the project's development. On the
one hand, it is confirmation of a long process to shape
the working group to power the system (nodes)..."
"... Through the different interventions shown here and now (in the temporary
and staptial vegueness of this precise moment) TESTER has generated working inertias,
it has provoked projects or has simply come into contact with differents structures
and proposals..." |